States of Emergency and Martial Law
This is the eleventh in a series of blog posts beginning on February 4, 2020 focused on justice systems’ responses to the coronavirus pandemic -- SARS-CoV-2 is its technical name and Covid-19 is the disease it causes --and the justice systems’ active participation in a whole-of-society-approach (WOSA) to national security and safety threats such as Covid-19. Law and order is changing across the United States and around the world during the existential crisis of the coronavirus epidemic in unprecedented ways as people, groups, and organizations violate quarantine and stay-at-home orders; ignore restrictions on travel and congregations; horde scarce medical supplies and provisions; engage in price gouging; mount illegal protests; and commit crimes. Police officers in New York City today are patrolling parks, monitoring restaurants and bars to ensure they are closed, and making sure that people are complying with “social distancing” in public spaces. When every expert ...