Weighing In Every Day?
Want to lose a few pounds? How often should you stand on a scale and track your weight? “If there’s one thing that comes up over and over with the thousands and thousands of patients enrolled in the Nation Weight Control Registry, it’s that weighing yourself each and every day on a scale has helped people lose weight and keep it off,” says Rena Wing, Ph.D., founder of the registry which includes over 5,000 people who shed an average of 66 pounds and kept it off for six years. “You don’t need to obsess over ounces every day, but keep track of the range – within two or three pounds – of what you weigh,” says Wing. The lesson is the same for court performance measurement. Once you have taken the first four steps of building a court performance measurement system (CPMS) and identified the right performance measures, it is time to make sure that the measures gets into the hands of the right people at the right time. How frequently should the data for each measure be collected and made ...