Standardized Measurement Reports Generated by Automated Systems: An Afterthought?
Automated case management systems -- as well as other automated systems for finance, jury utilization and management, fine and fee collection, and other court functions -- typically have a “reporting” functionality. Users are able to view various standardized reports generated by the automated systems. An Example For example, using the Odyssey case management system, developed by Tyler Technologies Inc. of Plano, Texas, the Clerk of the Twentieth Judicial Circuit in Ft. Myers, Florida (and, at least theoretically, any individual or agency with inquiry access to the system), can access over 60 standardized reports under the following headings: (1) case analysis (e.g., cases without activity , listing cases without base events that have been filed for a specified period of time); (2) case administration (e.g., case load activity report , a summary report of court activity indicating changes in counts and percentages of cases filed and disposed from the start to end dates for any date ran...