Step 3 – Creating Measurement Hierarchies
This is the seventh posting in a multi-part series exploring the Six-Step Process for Building an Effective Court Performance Measurement System (CPMS) first summarized in Made2Measure (M2M) in October 2005. See below for a listing of the parts in this series to date. Introduction The third step of building a court performance measurement system (CPMS) is the construction of hierarchies (some call these “families” or “cascades”) that include a court’s core performance measures (identified in Step 2) and related subordinate measures (many of which may have been identified in Step 1). Step 3 involves three overlapping sub-steps: (3.1) breaking out (disaggregating) a court’s core measures; (3.2) identifying and defining subordinate measures that are related to core measures but are not necessarily breakouts of core measures; and (3.3) creating a hierarchy of performance measures for each of the core measure. Beyond Core Measures Measures are almost always proxies of outcomes...